Sunday, October 25, 2009

How's it working for us?

Back in the spring an email was making the rounds about the H$U$ and plans to choke out the small time breeders. For those of you who didn't see it the first time around, since I just stumpled across a copy of said email, I decided to write about it here and see if anyone else even gives a damn what has already happened much less what is about to happen. So with no more ado, here ya' go:

HSUS Agenda for Animals Officially Targeting the Hobby Breeder

Unless you want to become a nation of tofu burgers on the grill on the 4th of July, unless you DO NOT want a choice as to where your next purebred dog comes is way past time to wake up and JOIN THE CRUSADE.

The following 12 Step plan was published in 1987, when the concept of Animal Rights was as foreign as fuzz on a frog's ***. Look at this list VERY CAREFULLY. ( Over the coming weeks, The Endangered Owner will look at each of these steps individually, so check back.)

Each and every item on that list is being attacked by PETA and the HSUS. And for all of you pet owners out there that STILL do not believe the Animal Rightists want to end ALL PET BREEDING, read item number 10.

From “Politics of Animal Liberation”

by Kim Bartlett,
published in ANIMAL AGENDA, November 1987

1. Abolish by law all animal research

2. Outlaw the use of animals for cosmetic and product testing, classroom demonstration and in weapons development

3. Vegetarian meals should be made available at all public institutions, including schools

4. Eliminate all animal agriculture

5. No herbicides, pesticides or other agricultural chemicals. Outlaw predator control.

6. Transfer enforcement of animal welfare legislation away from the Department of Agriculture

7. Eliminate fur ranching and the use of furs.

8. Prohibit hunting, trapping and fishing.

9. End the international trade in wildlife goods

10. Stop any further breeding of companion animals, including purebred dogs and cats. Spaying and neutering should be subsidized by state and municipal governments. Abolish commerce in animals for the pet trade.

11. End the use of animals in entertainment and sports.

12. Prohibit the genetic manipulation of species.

NOTE: This was written in 1987, long before genetic engineering and cloning. In this context, “genetic manipulation” means selective breeding”

**Cross-posting notice**

Cross posting is highly encouraged and welcomed. Post this message anyplace that it will be read by those folks still unaware of what is happening to our rights and to our culture.

Join the Crusade against HSUS+Pass It Forward!

One of the fastest methods of marketing used to quickly gain other participants, which can be exponential in breadth and scope –is by using levels of people. Just pick out say 10-50 as an initial goal, and all you do is forward this article. That’s right. This is just to inform people of the truth.

Many pet owners or fanciers, business owners or community people have tons of friends and others who would like to KNOW the truth. People who want to buy a dog. People who don’t know about HSUS.

Make sure to tell THEM to do the same thing with 10-50 emails. This is VITAL. Do not spam people. Either send to someone you know, or post it online somewhere (blog, forum, newspaper blog replies, Kijiji forum, wherever..) This is for education purposes. HSUS hires telemarketers. We don’t need to hire telemarketers because we already have enough people.

We have way more people than HSUS does. Especially if each person does what is stated above. If you know anything about math, (exponential power) you can see that we can get millions of postings and emails. And when millions of people know, they tell others. That is how Obama got a lot of people to vote. Email and posting online.

You know how rumors get started and end up as “urban legends?”
Well, we are going to make this one a non-urban legend about HSUS.

Bad news travels so fast online, it can take the place of 100 news broadcasts because so many people see it AT THE SAME TIME. HSUS is like Peta— but with the Political Push. And HSUS has far more $$$ than Peta, since it merged or swallowed up a bunch of other animal groups.

And it was done PURPOSELY–so they would have more corporate money and get into more political situations—which in many cases—create greedy scandals involving buying off politicians, as we have seen daily in 2008—the year of corporate greed going wild.

Is this what we want? Animal extremists with huge corporate coffers to buy off politicians? To take donations from innocent people and then make laws against our animals? To stop the breeding of good pets? To ruin the agriculture and pet industry? Beware–because it is here–and that group is the corporate conglomerate known as HSUS+friends!

For 2008, HSUS pushed 10 goals…6-7 of the 10 goals involved spay/neuter, dogs/cat laws, or farm animal laws. One other goal was to increase media exposure and another to involve Venture Capital (to make more $$$)…only ONE goal involved outside issue (seal hunting, Canada) Much of the laws HSUS pushes is against dog kennel owners of all types, dog owners, and dog breeders, regardless of size or type. HSUS loves to pretend that every dog breeder is a high volume business, yet HSUS pushes for laws against even small hobby breeders. In other words, HSUS says one thing, but does another.

HSUS in 2008, attempted to pass a forfeiture law in CA so that alleged dog raids could garner additional forfeiture proceeds. And we all know HSUS loves to help orchestrate kennel raids of all types, small dogs, big dogs, etc…..The state did not pass the legislation; they tried to pass it in Tennessee, and that also did not pass…. and now it seems HSUS closed its Western Regional office in Sacramento, CA December 2008 and laid off everyone, but one person. Hmmm….maybe the California legislature has had enough of HSUS???

HSUS like PETA, spends $$ to try and both devalue the production of certain food sources, to cause the public to think badly of agriculture/farm raised animals; eliminate the use of animals in biomedical research labs; phase out pet breeding, esp. for dogs, end the breeding of purebred dogs; end zoos, and circus animal acts; and demonize hunters as crazed lunatics. HSUS employs fulltime attorneys that do nothing but file lawsuits; it is not disputed that HSUS does not believe pets are our property, which is why they advocate for treating animals on same level as people. Guardianship is NOT ownership.

Not convinced about HSUS misleading the public? and [ Make sure to see below, which tell about HSUS' involvement in different lawsuits.] What kind of group besides PETA— wants to hire convicted felons? HSUS. Yet, HSUS contributed $$ toward the proposed law against radical extremists targeting scientists and their families in CA. Why? Because HSUS is attempting to make it look like they don’t condone violence, yet HSUS does fundraisers for convicted eco-terrorists, one of which was on 12/13/08.

In 2005 Pacelle announced the formation of a new “Animal Protection Litigation Section” within HSUS, dedicated to “the process of researching, preparing, and prosecuting animal protection lawsuits in state and federal court.”

[Note: What this really means is HSUS becomes involved in LEGISLATION aimed at stopping the selling of pets, notably dogs; HSUS puts videos on mainstream TV and then tells the public to donate, while saying HSUS is busting dog kennels--but behind the scenes, they are advising cities to implement sterilization of all pets, no buying, no breeding of animals, and forced adoption of shelter animals, not buying from stores; HSUS attempts to help pass laws pushing MSN, forfeiture of dogs, and restrictions of pets including no tethering, etc]

2000………….HSUS uses convicted felon, avowed member of Animal Liberation Front (ALF), JP Goodwin (2008)–Goodwin is claimed to be an “expert” in dogfighting by HSUS, however when in court to testify as such, the court found he was NOT an expert. He may have experience being in prison, but he’s not an expert on dogs. Come on people, would you donate or give money to Scott Peterson who threw his wife in the Bay while she was pregnant? Of course not. So why would anyone want to donate to a group that hires felons? That fundraises for felons?

In addition to the HSUS flagship offices in Maryland and DC, the organization’s global network includes control over the following legal corporations (this list is evolving as new information becomes available):

Nonprofit affiliates:

Alice Morgan Wright-Edith Goode Fund (DC);
Alternative Congress Trust (DC);
Animal Channel (DC);
Association Humanataria De Costa Rica;
Center for the Respect of Life and Environment (DC);
Charlotte and William Parks Foundation for Animal Welfare (DC);
Conservation Endowment Fund (see ICEC) (CA);
Earth Restoration Corps. (DC);
Earthkind Inc. (DC);
Earthkind International Inc. (DC);
Earthkind USA (DC);
Earthkind USA (MT);
Earthkind UK [ also affiliated with the International Fund for Animal Welfare];
Earthvoice (DC);
Earthvoice International (DC);
Eating with a Conscience Campaign (DC);
HSUS Hollywood Office (formerly The Ark Trust Inc.) (CA);
Humane Society International (DC), which also operates
the International Center for Earth Concerns (ICEC) in Ojai, California,
the Center for Earth Concerns in Costa Rica, and
the Conservation Endowment Fund in California;
Humane Society International Australian Office Inc.;
Humane Society International of Latin America;
Humane Society of the United States (DE);
Humane Society of the United States (MD);
Humane Society of the United States (MT);
Humane Society of the United States (PA);
Humane Society of the United States (VT);
Humane Society of the United States California Branch Inc. (CA);
Humane Society of the United States New Jersey Branch Inc. (NJ);
Humane Society of the United States Wildlife Land Trust (DC);
Humane Society of the United States Wildlife Land Trust (KS);
Humane Society of the United States Wildlife Land Trust (OK);
Humane Society of the United States Utah State Branch (UT);
Humane Society University (DC);
Institute for the Study of Animal Problems (DC);
Interfaith Council for the Protection of Animals and Nature (GA);
International Society for the Protection of Animals (UK);
International Wilderness Leadership Wild Foundation Inc. [d/b/a The WILD Foundation] (CA);
Kindness Club International Inc. (DC);
Meadowcreek Project Inc. (AR);
Meadowcreek Inc. (AR);
National Association for Humane and Environmental Education (DC);
National Humane Education Center (VA);
Species Survival Network (MI);
Valerie Sheppard Humane Society University (DC);
Wildlife Rehabilitation Training Center (MA);
World Federation for the Protection of Animals Inc. (DC);
World Society for the Protection of Animals (DC);
World Society for the Protection of Animals (IA);
World Society for the Protection of Animals (ND);
World Society for the Protection of Animals (VT);
World Society for the Protection of Animals - Canada;
World Society for the Protection of Animals - Deutschland;
World Society for the Protection of Animals International (UK);
World Society for the Protection of Animals UK (UK); and
Worldwide Network Inc. (DC).
For-profit affiliates:
The Humane Catalog (VA);
Humane Equity Fund [defunct] (DC);
Humane Society Press (DC);
Humane Society of the United States Connecticut Branch Inc. (CT);
Humane Society of the United States Virginia Branch Inc. (VA);
World Society for the Protection of Animals (MA);
World Society for the Protection of Animals - Australia;
World Society for the Protection of Animals Executor Services (UK);
World Society for the Protection of Animals Trading Company (UK).

This list may not be completely updated, but was at time of initial printing by–however after the huge merger of many more extremist groups with HSUS, they now own millions of acres of land, and probably can BUY whatever POLITICIAN they can pay……… we all know how corporate GREED has ruined this country? Do we want to encourage MORE of the same thing with our animals???!!

HSUS is responsible for helping Louisville KY come up with the draconian pet laws now the subject of a federal lawsuit (2008), in which the COURT denied the amicus briefs of HSUS TWICE (in other words, the Court refused to allow it to be filed) And WHY did the court twice DENY the briefs?

One reason is because, HSUS used one of the same attorneys which was formerly representing one of the parties—that is considered a conflict of interest!! You call that ethical??? Hardly. Which is why the court refused to allow it, but HSUS spent lots of $$ on attorney fees to keep trying to file it, again and again! [See other posting on petdefense blog which gives specifics on this ordinance by typing in Louisville on search box on petdefense]

HSUS submitted to the Denver Fed Appellate Court this year (2008) an amicus brief claiming that dog breeds can be identified with 99% accuracy without bothering to explain such “accuracy” is only considered to be for entertainment purposes, not scientifically used as a reliable test at this stage (for breed)– due to the testing being in infancy stage. HSUS also submitted an amicus brief on the R. Stevens case, and Stevens was found not guilty in a precedential case on free speech issues (2008.)

HSUS is going around the country offering $5,000 for info leading to conviction of “dogfighters” and has purposely helped/ engaged in orchestrated raids of large and medium kennels of dogs, killing ALL the dogs upon seizure, even when the court verdicts led to acquittal of the owners. HSUS has bragged about taking down dog people and made a big deal of it, yet after 3-4 years, the accused are aquitted quickly but their dogs were killed right after the raids. This is becoming a pattern for the HSUS, which is NOT a legal enforcement team. Thought HSUS was about “saving” animals? Think again.

HSUS solicited donations for the Vick dogs when they did not HAVE custody of such dogs–but implied that they did!! In fact HSUS wrote letters advocating the dogs should be killed. Soliciting donations for dogs one doesn’t have amounts to fabrication. Lying.

HSUS purposely engages itself with local humane society groups so that HSUS can be involved in KENNEL RAIDS of small dogs, with the intent being that all such dogs will be seized and taken. HSUS often uses Best Friends, ASPCA, Last Chance for Animals and the like, to help out. No charges of abuse or gross neglect need be filed, in fact in one case, it was set up to seize the animals by saying there was an “environmental” violation of putting dog urine in the river. HSUS then broadcasts such RAIDS across the United States, and then helps groups sell the dogs the week following the RAID.

HSUS purposely has “merged” with other large AR groups (Doris Day, etc) so they can take over the advocacy of AR issues in all areas (legislate, advocate,lawsuits) and WP admitted, they intend to push hard in several areas, including legislation and gaining donations. Just looking at the huge list of corporations owned by HSUS above, do you not see the potential for harm? Do we need to become victims first like in the mortgage business? Do we need to lose our rights before fighting this cancer?

This is just one spoke in a large wheel of many people who don’t like liars trying to force their methods down our throats……………Make sure to see Gerry Spence’s take on corporations (like HSUS) that use propaganda to dumbdown the public on TV; see or

Note: You can shorten this to whatever amount you think is sufficient, you can add to it, and subtract. Just make sure when you send it out, you tell the other people to share it with 10-50 others. (You can also make a PDF, but many people are lazy and won’t open it.)

Please forward to others who will do the same! The truth about PETA has been out for awhile, but HSUS credibilty needs to be hit with the sledgehammer. And it’s now Hammertime! AB1634 was defeated in CA with massive numbers of opposition. We need to do the same, only MORE–against HSUS. Our work lies before us. Now we just need to do it!

What we now know is that two of the most onerous bills proposed in California by Senator Dean Florez failed...THIS YEAR. Do not forget that he has promised to reintroduce them next year. Then while we managed the beginnings of a win in Louisville, KY, what the devil happened to TN? Here in Maryland we managed to beat the H$U$ so called breeder limit bill, but there is no doubt in my mind they will be back.

The only way to stop all this before we lose all our companion animals AND our farm animals is to cut off the money. Chop down that money tree H$U$ has growing in its backyard. Insist IRS take away the non-profit status and make them pay taxes. So I say to you..."got 50?"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    HSUUS has passed laws in 24 states that force farmers to build more barns and buy more land. Farmers say theres going to be a 25 percent increase in price on dairy and meat across the port. Spread the word
