Friday, June 23, 2006

More Columbia MO

This is a picture of Sanity trying to get George to give her a pigeon.
This is a picture of some of the class trying to get in some work between the storms.Here Sanity and I are getting ready to demo the beginning of the broad jump training. We had to be very careful, because as you can see the floor excelled in shininess and failed in traction.

Here's a group of students just getting settled in for an afternoon session. What you can't see is just how hard it was raining outside.

The next three shots are of Sanity and I on the ATV just before we started a run. These runs were super fun for Sanity. It is the first time in my life I have ever had a dog literally jump for joy. That is exactly what she did the third day I came around the corner of the kennel building on the ATV. All thought I didn't get a picture of it, she also decided to go for a swim and proceeded to jump in said lake at the end where there was no gradual slope. Boy was she surprised when she had to swim back to the shore.

This is a picture of George's little lake. Sanity and I are just a tiny speck on the other side of the lake. It sure was pretty and riding that ATV was fun, fun, fun.


  1. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Margot, these pictures are so great! and I so appreciate having been part of the group who attended your school at George's Eastwood Kennels. It was an intense, well planned, exceptionally well taught week. I would do it again, any time!

  2. Pat, Thank you for your kind words. I just feel badly that I have taken so long to get the few pictures posted.

    Blogspot had not been very nice for the past month. Posting pictures was one of the things that became downright painful to do. They are acknowledging that there are problems and they don't seem to know how to fix them. It is those problems that have taken such a toll in my ability to post. Hopefully things are getting better.

  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Margot, has Blogspot given up the ghost entirely, as far as usability goes? I do miss the Sanity Blog, and hope you have not given up on it.

